
Mark Erickson

Hello Swim Families, Here is the latest information you need to know. Please read through everything and let us know if you have any questions. Green & Orange Meet (Entry Deadline is 5/23) Swim Meet will begin at 5pm. Warmups will be from 4pm-4:45pmIf you have not declared whether or not you are attending and which events your swimmers are participating in, please do so asap. We would like for you to get in the habit of letting us know when you are not able to attend a meet. This...

Mark Erickson

Hello Swim Families, We have a VIP Parking Winner! Watch below to see who it is. Practice Tomorrow See you all for the first day of practice tomorrow! Summer Practice & Job Signup Summer practice and job signups will be availabe by 3:30am on May 11th. If you would please let us know if you plan to fulfill your timing duty or to pay the fee to have it covered for you. Please fill out the form here if you have not done so already.

Mark Erickson

Hello RBG Swim Families, VIP Parking Spot Deadline for entrance into the VIP Parking Spot Raffle is today at 3pm. See flier for details. Text Reminders We have decided to stay with the Remind App for team text reminders. I will send out the link to those of you who did not join one of the two 2023 RBG Swim groups. If you were wondering why your group is RBG Swim 1 or RBG Swim 2 it is because they only allow 100 members so we have to split the...

Mark Erickson

Hello Swim Families, It was great to see those of you who were able to make it to Orientation Dinner last night. We are excited for the 2023 Season to be getting underway. Please see the update below. GoMotion App (or OnDeck). This App will be a great avenue to the majority of communication and anything else you will need for the season. The majority of you have already downloaded and are using it. You can use either the GoMotion App or the OnDeck App, they will both take you...

Mark Erickson

Swim Test is canceled today

Mark Erickson

Greetings, Orientation Dinner We hope that you will be able to attend the RBG Swim Team Orientation Dinner on Monday 4/1/23 at 5:30pm in the school cafeteria. You do not need to RSVP, just show up. Please feel free to bring your whole family. Team Suit Update There are a limited number of suits that have arrived and will be delievered tomorrow. All members who have suits in have been contacted regarding pick up instructions. If you have not been contacted specifically regarding this your suits are not ready yet....

Mark Erickson

Greetings RBG Swim Families, Please read the following swim team update. Orientation Dinner We will have our Orientation Dinner on Monday May 1, 2023 at 5:30pm. We will have a short informational meeting and have a spaghetti dinner following. The whole family is welcome. Test Meet For those of you who entered the test meet. Thank you. Please DO NOT show up to the pool on Monday expecting a meet. :) Entering your swimmer into the “test meet” was for you to get practice and for me to work out...

GoMotion App

We are proud to announce that our new website is officially live. RBG Swim Team has partnered with GoMotion to bring our business a brand new look! Check it out and let us know what you think :)